Deviation Shed
Deviation Shed, Grosmont
The obvious requirement for us was to have covered shelter for our locomotives for both storage and workshop. A start was made in 1978 on the construction of what would be called Deviation shed. It was built by NELPG volunteers, though it took eight years of hard graft to see it finally completed. The first task was to prepare the site, involving use of Ian Storey’s tractor and trailer to remove the spoil and the demolition of Grosmont Deviation signal box (which controlled the junction for the Beckhole branch and was closed in 1951).
The three road shed came from the Longmoor Military Railway in Hampshire – where it was dismantled, transported in a kit of parts to Grosmont, and re-erected. In the summer of 1978, construction, using NELPG volunteers, commenced in earnest, changing the landscape forever. The final roof truss was lifted into place in August 1978, but this final steelwork erection was no ordinary achievement as the steelwork, comprising hundreds of small pieces and bolts, was supplied without any assembly drawings.
Subsequently the Group constructed a two storey workshop, stores and small mess facility in the corner of the shed, and eventually a full length pit was constructed on the middle road.
The shed, located next to the coaling stage at Grosmont MPD, is open for visitors to come in and have a look and even find out more about the group.